Cosmetics USA

37794 - Cosmetics USA
37794 - Cosmetics USA
37794 - Cosmetics USA
37794 - Cosmetics USA
37794 - Cosmetics USA

Cosmetics USA

Item number: 37794

Cosmetics stock
Total: 18 329 pieces
3 lots with plenty of Maybelline, L'Oreal, Cover Girl, NYX, Rimmel, Revlon, OPI.
Surplus stock from USA pharmacies.
See photos & inventory list attached. Click on all 4 tabs at bottom of inventory list.
6 236 pieces (lot PP0375)
6 605 pieces (lot PP0390)
5 488 pieces (lot PP0391) h
Minimum order quantity = 1 lot - 2.00$ each
Price take all: 1.65$ each

Additional information:

Packinglist here.ods Packinglist here

Price: 1.65 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.